Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I am not a cyborg. Although it seems I encounter them every day. People that spend more time on their phones than actually interacting with a human being. A cyborg is a person who’s body has been taken over by electromechanical devices. After reading that definition you might be thinking “this guy is being way too melodramatic. How can a phone or a computer takeover a body?!” Well the truth is your mind is as much a part of your body as let’s say your legs or your arms and in the case of a large part of the population these appliances have more than taken over your minds it’s gotten to the point where people claim to feel physical pain if they go more than one or two days without their phones. I am not a cyborg because my situation hasn’t reached extremes but I’ll admit I am getting there
The reason I say I am getting there is because I am slowly becoming dependent of some electronic devices. Some of these devices I use out of sheer necessity and the others I use out of choice. Transportation, for me at least, is an absolute necessity. I live In the Bronx and go to school in Queens. This is why using such electronics as the metrocard vending machine are unavoidable. Even the booth has computers so depending on technology while using transportation is inevitable. Hell, even a metrocard is considered technology. If you have a car it’s the same story if you need gas there is no way to get it without coming into contact with some sort of computer. So some necessities like going to school or driving to work have become impossible without electronics.
Then come the electronics one uses by choice. This includes telephones, cell phones, computers music devices, televisions, Gaming systems etc… I myself have not become dependent of cellphones or smartphones as they're known as now but something I feel I would be very sorry to lose is my computer I could ramble all day about the benefits of a computer but i'll spare you my rant. I am simply saying that without a computer my life would change drastically and probably not in a positive way. Even More so than my computer the object I can't imagine living without is my Ipod.I am a very musical person. Every chance I get I try to play music or write lyrics I would say that music is a very large part of my life and so is my Ipod. If I didn't have my Ipod With me at all times I would be very close to panic.
I am not a cyborg...yet, because I estimate that in about a month I will become dependent of my Ipod. It will reach the point that I won't let anyone touch it without my permission and supervison. That is how much i care about that wonderful device. I think if I take care of my son/daughter half as much as i take care of my Ipod i will be a great father. In conclusion, If I become dependent of electronics, as long as it is my choice, I wont mind.


  1. Haha I think your a Cyborg to me. Just by typing this up for a class that you NEED credit for is a prime example. Admiting it is the first step :].

  2. you are a cyborg ray, soon u gonna get addicted to your phone!!!
